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Jun 04, 2022
In General Discussions
Essay (from the French essai "attempt, sample, essay", from the Latin exagium "weighing") is a prose work of small volume and free composition, in which the author expresses his individual position, reflection on any issue. The main role in the essay plays not the description of facts, but the expression of impressions, reflections, associations. The style of essays manifests itself in a special syntax - a lot of incomplete sentences, question and exclamation constructions. The topic of a social studies essay is usually formulated in the form of a statement by a famous onlineclasshelp service. You need to explain how you understand the meaning of the statement, express your attitude to it, identify different aspects of meaning and contradictions in the statement, argue your position with the help of theoretical provisions of the social studies course and examples from personal experience and social life. Define the meaning of the statement by answering the question: what did the author want to say? 2. Identify the main aspects of the problem by answering the questions: What can be contrasted with the author's position in historical, cultural, moral and ethical terms? Are other positions, approaches to the problem, interpretations of concepts and images, exceptions to the general rule possible? Choose the aspect of the problem that you will examine in detail. 3. Formulate your attitude towards the statement, answering the questions: Do I agree with the author? Why? What is my own position on the issue? How relevant is the statement? 4. Identify social science terms, generalizations, patterns that you need to express and justify your position at the theoretical level. Answer the questions: What concepts and terms you know from your social studies course should you use? What theoretical generalizations should you consider? 5. Select facts, examples from history, contemporary social life, and personal social experience that support your position, answering the question: What specific facts can you use to support your opinion? 6. Write a rough outline of your essay. Write the text of the essay. Reread it. Related Resources: Typical mistakes made when writing an essay Essay structure or 7 simple tips on how to write a quality essay ESSAY WRITING ALGORITHM Algorithm of writing an essay


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